this is where i share the various interests i have taken in, whether it be anime, shows, movies, or videos.

2024-09-24: mid90s

rating: 11/10

was really chill movie, really felt like it was the 90s. the framing, 4:3, my favorite, remember? i really liked how this movie was made, it felt like you were there, just a side character watching it all happen, watching it all go down. some conversations felt awkward, just realistic. example bein smiling friends. i’ll be real with you, i hesitated at first, didn't "feel" like watchin it til i was like “fuck it, never know if i’ll like it or not.” i kind of do this with every anime or movie i try to watch. i look at it, just the cover of it then be like “nah, i’ll watch it another day.” that day comes then it’s like “man, don’t even think it’ll be good.” then when i do come around to watch it, it’s fire. i guess i’ve been like this ever since the hate culture came around for animes and movies and just bein lazy for it, you know? besides the point, i really liked this movie, the filming was top tier, loved it.

2024-09-23: didi

rating: 9/10

it’s a movie i can feel that i really relate to. it’s a scary world out there, i don’t know how to do some things. like kissing? eh, if you’re readin this, i wanted to have that with you. i still do. a first kiss, i guess. i didn’t care how it had to be performed, cheek kiss, lip kiss. doesn’t matter but it looks scary, feels scary. like how do you do that? talking to people gets scary sometimes too but you have to do it, get used to it. don’t be a shy guy. other than that, this film was pretty good. talk to the right people, hang around people who can be a good influence to you. just be a nice guy, be yourself. :)

2024-09-22: cyberpunk: edgerunners

rating: 10/10

this one really hurt, the end. i didn’t believe it when i heard the rumors, “this anime will make your heart break, won’t tell you why but see for yourself.” never seen an anime where they actually kill off the main character. it hurt because david has been through so much, mom died, maine died, his partner, dorio, died too. rebecca and pilar. eventually david bein killed by adam smasher. lucy living her dream but at what cost, alone? shit, was really awesome though but damn, that ending.

2024-08-26: jujutsu kaisen

rating: 10/10

pretty top tier, loved it. mahito femboy die funny haha

2024-08-10: mob psycho

rating: 100/10

this is by far one of the best animes i've ever watched. should've watched it with you. loved this one, it goes in my top 3.